About Debbie-Ann

SRN BSc. Dip HE Nursing Studies VTCT City & Guilds
Member of FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists)
CHNC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) Registered
Health, healing and the wellbeing of people is a way of life for Debbie-Ann, she has over 30 years’ experience of working with people of all ages, both as a Qualified Nurse (SRN 1983 – 2011) and since 2001 as a Holistic Therapist – Aromatherapy, Reflexology & Body Massage – she works with people daily and has an understanding of health from several perspectives…
For me the purity and credibility of Jikiden Reiki resonated from those first few pages of Light on The Origins of Reiki By Tadao Yamaguchi… I couldn’t put this book down! Here at last was the Japanese simplicity and clarity I knew from learning Judo and Ikebana. Here was Reiki… Pure Reiki and explained with precision… The complete art of holistic hand healing, I now have the honour to practice and share with you.
Debbie-Ann has been practicing Jikiden Reiki; this purely Japanese form of hands on treatment daily since 2009 and teaching since 2011, and is a fully qualified teacher (Shihan) Registered with the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, Japan. She has studied and continues to study with the President of the Institute; Sensei Tadao Yamaguchi, both here in the UK and Japan.
Debbie-Ann is Registered to teach the first level of Jikiden Reiki; Shoden and the second level; Okuden and would love to teach you this wonderful hand healing art.
Debbie-Ann has supported many people with Jikiden Reiki Treatments
Over the years this has included people with these health concerns:
- Stress, anxiety, depression and PTSD
- Chronic fatigue, ME, lethargy – low energy
- Insomnia, sleep disorders
- Headaches and migraines
- Skin conditions
- Chest, bronchial and sinus conditions
- Motor Neurone Disease, MS, Parkinson ’s disease
- Neuralgia – nerve pain such as sciatica
- RSI – repetitive strain injuries, to muscles ligaments and joints
- Sports injuries
- Back neck and shoulder problems
- Quitting those addictions… like smoking
Debbie-Ann also has experience of using Jikiden Reiki to support
- people following surgery… including cancer patients
- disabled clients and children with special educational needs at Doubletrees School
What’s really impressed Debbie-Ann about these Jikiden Reiki treatment methods, is how medically effective and safe they have been for all the people she treated; there were no adverse or unwanted side effects… which she saw a great deal of in her nursing career.
Debbie-Ann Champion is an Insured Member of the FHT; Registered with the CNHC and the Jikiden Reiki Institute.
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