Okuden level 2

Okuden level in Jikiden Reiki completes your Reiki training, you gain a much deeper understanding of the skills for "inviting health and happiness" that Usui Sensei developed for Reiki practitioners. 
For those Reiki practitioners wishing to practice at a professional level, this course is required when looking for professional indemnity insurance as a Reiki therapist.
During this 1 day course, you will be introduced to some ancient Japanese concepts that Mikao Usui Sensei drew upon, to develop his truly holistic hand healing art.  Concepts that are clearly explained and remain at the core of Jikiden Reiki practice and teachings today…
Okuden translates as deeper in Japanese... and that is what you gain here, a deeper understanding of how Reiki works at both psychological and physical levels, holistically healing the heart/mind and body together… for our Achievable WellBeing.
The ancients knew that mental unrest leads to physical unrest, and physical unrest can lead to mental unrest... You can treat both simultaneously with Reiki through hands-on treatments, but Usui Sensei developed the psychological healing technique, Seiheki Chiryo that lets you get to the heart of the matter, without lengthy discussion. So you can directly treat psychological issues such as panic attacks, the effects of trauma, anxiety, depression, and even break unwanted or addictive habits, such as smoking… for yourself and others.
You will also learn how to send Reiki, Enkaku Reiki or distant healing, to a person anywhere in the world… Which has been a real blessing during this pandemic and helped me support my friends, family and students during the lockdowns.
Please note – Shoden level in Jikiden Reiki must be completed before taking this Okuden level course… You Can take Both levels in the Same Month, if you wish.

At Okuden Level You will learn

  • The second Shirushi and the Seiheki Kototama are taught.
  • How to use Seiheki Chiryo (treatment)  – to heal psychological issues.
  • You will learn the Enkaku Jumon and how to send Reiki  – distant healing, to people anywhere in the world.
You will receive Reiju TWICE during this day. 
There will be time to experience giving treatments and receiving Reiki with fellow participants, this course is a mixture of theory and hands on practice.
This is an official Jikiden Reiki training course taught by Debbie-Ann Champion, a registered and certified Shihan/Teacher with the Jikiden Reiki Institute in Kyoto, Japan. Training course are held at the Achievable Wellbeing Studio, in Luxulyan Cornwall. 
Your Okuden Level course fee includes:
  • An English and a traditional woodblock Japanese certificate 
 All Certificates and training manual are issued by the Jikiden Reiki Institute, where you will be registered following this course. English Certificates are presented at the end of the Okuden training course – your Japanese certificate will be posted to you when they arrive from Japan. 
There are no written exams at this level. 
Please bring your training manual and Purple Record Card, from the Shoden level course.


A simple vegetarian lunch will be provided… but please bring your own packed lunch if you prefer.

Hot and cold drinks will be available throughout the day.


Jikiden Reiki Okuden Course fees

The UK Okuden course fee is £250
with full payment required to secure your place.
Please note this fee has been set by the Jikiden Reiki Institute, in Japan by Sensei Tadao Yamaguchi.
The Repeat Jikiden Reiki Okuden level fee is £60
Sometimes people wish to refresh what they have learnt, once they have started putting the Shoden course into practice... they are ready to ask those pertinent questions... as our sensitivity to Reiki flowing increases with our daily meditation practice.
So many students are surprised at how much they get out of repeating... often saying it has deepened their understanding of Jikiden Reiki. Particularly of their Japanese pronunciations with the Jumon and the Seiheki Chiryo techniques. These Okuden techniques can seem complex to our western busy minds... but practice makes perfect! Doing them becomes second nature and part of our daily lives... This is the way in Japan, so that the techniques remain pure and effective. 
Those wishing to become Jikiden Reiki teachers, are now requested to repeat Shoden and Okuden with their original teacher and many professional therapists may wish to repeat for CPD reasons. 

Paying for Your Okuden Level 2 Course

  • With Cash – In person 
  • by Cheque
  • Online via PayPal
You can pay with your debit or credit card, even if you do not have a PayPal account
Your place will be confirmed by email when the funds have cleared.

Book Okuden Level 2

Sat 26th October

Cost: £250, repeater £60

Okuden level 2 Jikiden Reiki course to become a full practitioner, running 10am - 6pm

Sorry, fully booked

Sun 24th November

Cost: £250, repeater £60

Okuden level 2 Jikiden Reiki course to become a full practitioner, running 10am - 6pm

Book now